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Англо-русский биологический словарь - free


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свободный, неприкреплённый; вольный

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  of debt не имеющий долгов, задолженности FREE of charge бесплатно FREE love свободная любовь FREE library бесплатная библиотека; FREE of duty беспошлинный FREE labour  а) hist. труд свободных людей (не рабов)  б) труд лиц, не принадлежащих к профсоюзам  в) рабочие, не являющиеся членами профсоюза FREE imports беспошлинные товары FREE house noun независимая пивная, не связанная с отдельной пивоваренной фирмой (торгует пивом разных марок) FREE on board comm.  а) фоб, франко-борт  б) amer. франко-вагон FREE enterprise частное предпринимательство FREE education бесплатное образование FREE city noun hist. вольный город FREE Church noun  1) церковь, отделенная от государства  2) нонконформистская церковь FREE choice свобода выбора FREE callisthenics  а) вольные движения  б) художественная гимнастика FREE and easy  1. adj. непринужденный, чуждый условностей  2. noun; coll.  1) концерт, встреча и т.п., где царит непринужденность  2) кабачок FREE agency noun свобода воли; свободная воля FREE  1. adj.  1) свободный, вольный; находящийся на свободе; независимый to make free use of smth. - пользоваться чем-л. без ограничений; широко пользоваться чем-л. - get free - make free - set free - free choice  2) добровольный, без принуждения  3) незанятый, свободный  4) легкий, грациозный...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. свободный, независимый, вольный free country —- свободная страна free people —- свободный народ 2. находящийся на свободе, свободный to set (to make) free —- освобождать to set a bird free —- выпустить птицу (из клетки) to get free —- освобождаться 3. добровольный, свободный, без принуждения free choice —- свободный выбор you are free to go or stay —- вы можете уйти или остаться - это ваше дело 4. незанятый, свободный are you free in the afternoon? —- вы свободны днем? have you any rooms free? —- есть ли у вас свободные комнаты? to have little free time —- иметь мало свободного времени, быть занятым 5. открытый, без препятствий или помех, свободный the way is free —- путь свободен to make the road free —- очистить дорогу 6. открытый, доступный; беспрепятственный free access —- свободный доступ free access to the court —- юр. право свободного обращения в суды to make free use of smth. —- свободно (беспрепятственно) пользоваться чем-л. to make smb. free of smth. —- открывать кому-л. доступ к чему-л. to make smb. free of one's house —- разрешить кому-л. пользоваться домом, как своим собственным they made their children free of their library —- они разрешали (позволяли) детям читать любую книгу из своей библиотеки 7. эк. свободный, вольный, беспошлинный free import —- беспошлинный ввоз 8. неограниченный, не стесненный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  свободный, неприкреплённый; вольный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  I прил. 1) общ. свободный make (set) free - освободить, free access - свободный (открытый) доступ, free choice - свободный (добровольный) выбор, free end of a rope - незакрепденный конец каната See: free-association interview free-response question 2) эк. бесплатный free advertisement - бесплатное рекламное объявление… free good - бесплатный товар, free offer - бесплатное предложение, free delivery - бесплатная доставка, free sampling - сэмплинг, free services -бесплатные услуги See: freepost freesheet free-standing display freestanding insert 3) торг., страх. франко, свободный от расходов; свободный от оплаты расходов (обозначает прекращение действия ответственности продавца по возможным ущербам и оплате транспортных расходов при доставке товара в указанный пункт) Syn: franco See: free on board free alongside ship free carrier free on rail free on quay free on truck free overside ex works 4) ТМО. незанятый, свободный (напр. о канале обслуживания) 5) эк. освобожденный, свободный (от пошлины, налога) free port - свободный порт 6) общ. не имеющий, лишенный alkohol free (free from alkohol) - без алкоголя, безалкогольный II нареч. 1) общ. свободно 2) эк. бесплатно 3) торг., страх. свободно, франко (обозначает прекращение действия ответственности продавца по возможным ущербам и оплате транспортных расходов при доставке товара в...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) без дополнительной оплаты 2) безнапорный 3) бесплатный 4) беспрепятственно 5) высвобождать 6) дармовой 7) даром 8) незанятый 9) незатопленный 10) несвязанный 11) освобождать 12) остаточный 13) свободно 14) свободный 15) слойный 16) удалить 17) удалять 18) франко 19) холостой absolute free group — абсолютно свободная группа absolutely free factor — абсолютно свободный сомножитель absolutely free product — абсолютно свободное произведение absolutely free system — абсолютно свободная система additively free group — аддитивно свободная группа anonymous free variable — логика анонимная свободная переменная anvil block free — бесшаботный be free of self-intersections — самонепересекаться beam is free to elongate — балка свободно удлиняется complex free variable — логика составная свободная переменная essentially free variable — существенно свободная переменная explicit free variable — логика явная свободная переменная finite free resolution — конечная свободная резольвента free (end) point — свободный конец free algebraic structure — свободная алгебраическая структура free chain complex — свободный цепной комплекс free crest of spillway — незатопленный гребень водослива free differential calculus — свободное дифференциальное исчисление free fall acceleration — ускорение свободного падения free falling slay — свободно...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & v. --adj. (freer; freest) 1 not in bondage to or under the control of another; having personal rights and social and political liberty. 2 (of a State, or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government; having national and civil liberty (a free press; a free society). 3 a unrestricted, unimpeded; not restrained or fixed. b at liberty; not confined or imprisoned. c released from ties or duties; unimpeded. d unrestrained as to action; independent (set free). 4 (foll. by of, from) a not subject to; exempt from (free of tax). b not containing or subject to a specified (usu. undesirable) thing (free of preservatives; free from disease). 5 (foll. by to + infin.) able or permitted to take a specified action (you are free to choose). 6 unconstrained (free gestures). 7 a available without charge; costing nothing. b not subject to tax, duty, trade-restraint, or fees. 8 a clear of engagements or obligations (are you free tomorrow?). b not occupied or in use (the bathroom is free now). c clear of obstructions. 9 spontaneous, unforced (free compliments). 10 open to all comers. 11 lavish, profuse; using or used without restraint (very free with their money). 12 frank, unreserved. 13 (of a literary style) not observing the strict laws of form. 14 (of a translation) conveying the broad sense; not literal. 15 forward, familiar, impudent. 16 (of talk, stories, etc.) slightly indecent. 17 Physics a not modified by an external force. b not bound in an atom or molecule. 18 Chem. not combined (free oxygen). 19 (of power or energy) disengaged or available. --adv. 1 in a free manner. 2 without cost or payment. 3 Naut. not close-hauled. --v.tr. 1 make free; set at liberty. 2 (foll. by of, from) relieve from (something undesirable). 3 disengage, disentangle. Phrases and idioms free agent a person with freedom of action. free and easy informal, unceremonious. free association Psychol. a method of investigating a person's unconscious by eliciting from him or her spontaneous associations with ideas...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English freo; akin to Old High German fri ~, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having the legal and political rights of a citizen  b. enjoying civil and political liberty ~ citizens  c. enjoying political independence or ~dom from outside domination  d. enjoying personal ~dom ; not subject to the control or domination of another  2.  a. not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being ; choosing or capable of choosing for itself  b. determined by the choice of the actor or performer ~ actions  c. made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously  3.  a. relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome ~ from pain a speech ~ of political rhetoric — often used in combination error-~  b. not bound, confined, or detained by force  4.  a. having no trade restrictions  b. not subject to government regulation  c. of foreign exchange not subject to restriction or official control  5.  a. having no obligations (as to work) or commitments I'll be ~ this evening  b. not taken up with commitments or obligations a ~ evening  6. having a scope not restricted by qualification a ~ variable  7.  a. not obstructed, restricted, or impeded ~ to leave  b. not being used or occupied waved with his ~ hand  c. not hampered or restricted in its normal operation  8.  a. not fastened the ~ end of the rope  b. not confined to a particular position or place in twelve-tone music, no note is wholly ~ for it must hold its place in the series — J. L. Stewart  c. capable of moving or turning in any direction a ~ particle  d. performed without apparatus ~ tumbling  e. done with artificial aids (as pitons) used only for protection against falling and not for support a ~ climb  9.  a. not parsimonious ~ spending  b. outspoken  c. availing oneself of something without stint  d. frank, open  e. overly familiar or forward in action or attitude...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (freer, freest, frees, freeing, freed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it. The seminars are free, with lunch provided. ...a free brochure with details of gift vouchers. free of charge: see charge ADJ 2. Someone or something that is free is not restricted, controlled, or limited, for example by rules, customs, or other people. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies... The elections were free and fair... Economists argued that freer markets would quickly revive the region’s economy... He fears that until state subsidies are removed, Russia will never have a truly free press... Dogs were allowed to roam free and 48 sheep were killed. ADJ: oft ADJ to-inf • freely They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day... Merchandise can now circulate freely among the EU countries. ADV: ADV with v 3. If you free someone of something that is unpleasant or restricting, you remove it from them. The 30-year-old star is trying to free himself from his recording contract. VERB: V n of/from n 4. Someone who is free is no longer a prisoner or a slave. More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty. ADJ: ADJ n, v-link ADJ, ADJ after v 5. To free a prisoner or a slave means to let them go or release them from prison. Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners... The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs. VERB: V n, V-ed 6. If someone or something is free of or free from an unpleasant thing, they do not have it or they are not affected by it. ...a future far more free of fear... The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes. ADJ: v-link ADJ of/from n 7. A sum of money or type of goods that is free of tax or duty is one that you do not have to pay tax on. ADJ: v-link ADJ of n see also duty-free, interest-free, tax-free 8. To free someone or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj ALLOWED TO DO WHAT YOU WANT 1 allowed to do whatever you want, without being controlled or restricted  (free to do sth)  (The children are free to decide which activity they would like to do.) 2 feel free spoken used to tell someone that they can do something  (Feel free to ask questions. | "Can I make myself some tea?" "Feel free.") 3 without restrictions or controls  (We had a free and open discussion about religion. | a free exchange of information | free access/passage/movement etc)  (free movement of people and goods between the towns | free speech (=being able to say whatever you want)) 4 free election/society/press an election etc that is not controlled by the government so that people can vote, live etc how they want to 5 give sb a free hand/rein to let someone do whatever they want or need to do in a particular situation  (She gave the producer a free rein with the script.) 6 free and easy relaxed, friendly, and without many rules  (a free and easy discussion) 7 a free spirit someone who lives as they want to rather than in the way that society considers normal 8 free agent someone who can do what they want to, and who is not controlled by anyone else  (You're a free agent - you don't owe them anything.) COSTING NOTHING 9 costing nothing  (We were given a free lunch with lots of wine. | The soft drinks are free, but you have to pay for the beer. | a free gift (=something you are given by a shop or company)) 10 a free ride something that you do not have to pay for, because someone else is paying for it  (Government employees are getting a free ride on taxpayers' money.) NOT A PRISONER 11 not a prisoner  (The rapist could be free in as little as three years. | set sb free (=give someone their freedom))  (Mandela was finally set free in 1993. | a free man (=a man who was a prisoner)) NOT BUSY 12 if you are free, or have some free time, you have no work, and nothing else that you must do  (Are you free next weekend? | a free day/morning/half-hour etc)  (If you have a free afternoon, go and see this movie. |...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Free Referenda And Elections Electronically U.S. gov. abbr. Freedom Rights For Equal Expression mil. abbr. Fast Reaction Experimental Espionage softw. abbr. Free Realtime Embedded Executive media abbr. Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment non-prof. org. abbr. Fund For Renewable Energy Everywhere educ. abbr. Federal Resources For Educational Excellence religion abbr. Friends Of Refugees Of Eastern Europe NASDAQ abbr. Freeserve, P. L. C. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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